Tarjoamme laajan valikoiman kalustoa maantiekuljetuksiin, sekä kotimaassa että kansainvälisiin kuljetuksiin. Jos kuitenkin mielestäsi jotain puuttuu tai sinulla on kysyttävää, ota yhteyttä. Vastaamme mielellämme kysymyksiisi!

Mittayksikkönä käytämme EUR-lavoja (80cm x 120cm) laskiessamme kuljetuskapasiteettia. Maksimi kuorman paino Pohjoismaissa 30 tonnia, Euroopassa 25 tonnia.


Pakettiauto, pieni approx. Noin 800 kg 2 lavaa pallets

Näiden pienten pakettiautojen on n 3m3,ja tyypillinen käyttö pikakuljetuksissa ja pientavaran jakelussa. Esimerkki: VW Caddy

Capacity (pallets) 2 lavaa pallets
Capacity (weight) approx. Noin 800 kg
Capacity (load meter) Vaihtelee
Inner cabinet width Noin 1,5 metriä
Inner cabinet length Vaihtelee
Inner cabinet height Noin 1,2 metriä
Crane N/A
Roof rack N/A
Length Vaihtelee
Tail lift N/A
Exterior width Vaihtelee
Exterior height Vaihtelee
Distribution van, small
Stuffing Plan
Pakettiauto, keskikokoinen approx. Noin. 1.400 kg 3 lavaa pallets

Näiden keskikokoisten pakettiautojen lastauskapasiteetti vaihtelee 5-11 m3 välillä sisäkorkeudesta riippuen. Esimerkki: MB Vito

Capacity (pallets) 3 lavaa pallets
Capacity (weight) approx. Noin. 1.400 kg
Capacity (load meter) Vaihtelee
Inner cabinet width Noin 1,8 metriä
Inner cabinet length Vaihteleev
Inner cabinet height 1,3-1,8 metriä
Crane N/A
Roof rack N/A
Length Vaihteleev
Tail lift N/A
Exterior width Vaihteleev
Exterior height Vaihteleev
Stuffing Plan
Pakettiauto, suuri approx. 1100 - 2000 kg 4 pallets

Näiden suurten pakettiautojen kuljetuskapasiteetti on noin 14m3 sisätilan korkeudesta riippuen. Esimerkki: MB Sprinter

Capacity (pallets) 4 pallets
Capacity (weight) approx. 1100 - 2000 kg
Capacity (load meter) Vaihtelee
Inner cabinet width Noin 1,8 metriä
Inner cabinet length Vaihtelee
Inner cabinet height Vaihtelee
Crane N/A
Roof rack N/A
Length Vaihtelee
Tail lift N/A
Exterior width Vaihtelee
Exterior height Vaihtelee
ColliCare trailer driving through the tunnel to deliver predictable goods
Stuffing Plan
Pienikokoinen jakeluauto approx. 1 ton 8 pallets

Small trucks have a closed cargo unit with capacity for 8 pallets. Handy for smaller deliveries, but an also load heavier goods due to tail lift.

Capacity (pallets) 8 pallets
Capacity (weight) approx. 1 ton
Capacity (load meter) 4,5 metres
Inner cabinet width 2,2 metres
Inner cabinet length 6 metres
Inner cabinet height 2,0 metres
Crane N/A
Roof rack N/A
Length 6 metres
Tail lift 600 kg
Exterior width 2,4 metres
Exterior height 3,2 meter
Distribution truck, small
Stuffing Plan
Keskikokoinen jakeluauto approx. 2- 5 tonnes 12 - 15 pallets

Medium sized truck have a closed cargo unit with capacity for 15 pallets and up to 5 tonnes.

Capacity (pallets) 12 - 15 pallets
Capacity (weight) approx. 2- 5 tonnes
Capacity (load meter) 6 loading metres
Inner cabinet width 2,4 metres
Inner cabinet length 7,5 metres
Inner cabinet height 2,35 metres
Crane N/A
Roof rack N/A
Length 7,5 metres
Tail lift 1000 kg
Exterior width 2,5 metres
Exterior height 3,5 metres
Distrubution truck, medium
Stuffing Plan
Suuri jakeluauto approx. 8 - 10 tonnes 18 - 20 pallets

Large trucks have a closed cargo unit with capacity of up to 20 pallets and 10 tonnes.

Capacity (pallets) 18 - 20 pallets
Capacity (weight) approx. 8 - 10 tonnes
Capacity (load meter) 7,5 loading metres
Inner cabinet width 2,4 metres
Inner cabinet length 10 meter
Inner cabinet height 2,5 metres
Crane N/A
Roof rack N/A
Length 10 meter
Tail lift 1500 kg
Exterior width 2,5 metres
Exterior height 3,9 - 4,2 metres
Distribution truck, large
Stuffing Plan
Umpikontti approx. 30 tonnes in Nordic countries. 24,5 tonnes in the EU 33 pallets

Three-axle trailer with uninsulated enclosed cargo space. There are folding doors on one side, so one can load long cargo from the side. Internal fastening hooks in the floor and walls to secure goods. And lockable doors make it difficult for intruders to enter the freight unit.

Capacity (pallets) 33 pallets
Capacity (weight) approx. 30 tonnes in Nordic countries. 24,5 tonnes in the EU
Capacity (load meter) 13,6 loading metres
Inner cabinet width 2,5 metres
Inner cabinet length 15,5 metres
Inner cabinet height 2,5 metres
Crane N/A
Roof rack N/A
Length 15,5 metres
Tail lift N/A
Exterior width 2,5 metres
Exterior height 4 metres
Box trailer
Stuffing Plan
Verhotraileri approx. 30 tonnes in Nordic countries. 24,5 tonnes in the EU 34 pallets

Three-axle trailer with movable canopy and roof and rear doors. Loading from the rear, side and above. Hooks in floor for securing cargo

Capacity (pallets) 34 pallets
Capacity (weight) approx. 30 tonnes in Nordic countries. 24,5 tonnes in the EU
Capacity (load meter) 13,6 loading metres
Inner cabinet width 2,48 metres
Inner cabinet length
Inner cabinet height 2,7 metres
Roof rack
Tail lift N/A
Exterior width
Exterior height
Curtainsider, tautliner
Stuffing Plan
Täysperä approx. 25 tonnes 38 pallets

Truck 13,6LM with trailer, making the road train more efficient than a normal semi trailer.

Capacity (pallets) 38 pallets
Capacity (weight) approx. 25 tonnes
Capacity (load meter) 15,2 loading meters
Inner cabinet width 2,47 meters
Inner cabinet length 15,34 meters
Inner cabinet height 2,9 meters
Roof rack
Length 15,34 meters
Tail lift
Exterior width
Exterior height
A branded ColliCare semi trailer during night, parked to the storage unloading goods
Roan train
Road train loading by night
Stuffing Plan
Traileri liikkuvalla lattialla approx. 30 tonnes in Nordic countries. EU = N/A 33 pallets pallets

Three-axle trailer for loading of loose material, for example wood chips and industrial waste. Enclosed cargo space in aluminium profiles, with fully welded interior. Folding doors on one side for loading of long cargo. Floor in 10mm grooved aluminium.

Capacity (pallets) 33 pallets pallets
Capacity (weight) approx. 30 tonnes in Nordic countries. EU = N/A
Capacity (load meter) 13,6 loading metres
Inner cabinet width 2,4 metres
Inner cabinet length
Inner cabinet height 3 metres
Roof rack
Tail lift
Exterior width
Exterior height
ColliCare Walking floor trailer
Stuffing Plan
Kontti approx. 12,5 tonnes 18 pallets

20 Feet container = 1 TEU.

Capacity (pallets) 18 pallets
Capacity (weight) approx. 12,5 tonnes
Capacity (load meter) 7,6 loading metres
Inner cabinet width 2,4 metres
Inner cabinet length 7,8 meter
Inner cabinet height 2,6 metres
Roof rack
Length 7,8 meter
Tail lift
Exterior width 2,5 metres
Exterior height 4 metres
Container 40 dc
Stuffing Plan
Crane / heavy haulage approx. 6 -10 tonnes 15 - 18 pallets

We can offer cranes of various sizes and capacity.

Capacity (pallets) 15 - 18 pallets
Capacity (weight) approx. 6 -10 tonnes
Capacity (load meter) 6 - 7,5 loading metres
Inner cabinet width 2,4 metres
Inner cabinet length 10 - 11,4 metres
Inner cabinet height
Crane 16 - 52 tonnes/metres
Roof rack
Length 10 - 11,4 metres
Tail lift 1.500 kg
Exterior width 2,5 metres
Exterior height 3,6 - 3,8 metres
Crane / heavy haulage
Stuffing Plan
Container SDOPS approx. 14 - 16 tonnes 19 pallets

Container 25/782 (305)SDOPS, for both train and truck, steel with side opening.

Capacity (pallets) 19 pallets
Capacity (weight) approx. 14 - 16 tonnes
Capacity (load meter) 7,6 loading metres
Inner cabinet width 2,475 metres
Inner cabinet length
Inner cabinet height 2,8 metres
Roof rack
Tail lift
Exterior width 2,55 metres
Exterior height 3,05 metres
ColliCare container SDOPS
Stuffing Plan